Genocide in Canada

William Combes

Source: Audio Interview at 4:54 with Kevin Annett (recording-length:58:20) he(William Combes) has witnessed the queen of england and prince Phillip show up October 1964 and leave the ... with ten children, none of them were ever seen again.

Source: The Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal Peoples by Church and State in Canada

Unrepentant, a video by Kevin Annett

Statements from the video-audio: actively involved in killings to humans

  • Bluequills Residential School(Catholic Church)
  • Edmond Residential school(United Church)
  • St. Michael Residential school
  • Portage La Prairie Residental School
  • Alberni Residential School (1895-1973)(United Church)
  • Kuper Island Residential School(Catholic Church)
  • St. Paul's Catholic Day School
  • Superintent of the RCMP
  • Prime minister canada
  • Head of the united church, Anglican church

Statements from the video-audio

  • [16:00] Bill Howie, Head of the church, United Church Vancouver Island
  • [24:39] Description of the murder of Maisie Shaw Dec.24 1949 - Alberni Residental School, Alfred Caldwell, Principal of Alberni Residental School, 1944-53
  • [25:08] Bill Seward Kuper Island Residential School(Catholic Church) Murder of Child by pushing out of 2. story
  • [25:22] Description of whipping of Jennie Shirt - Bluequills Residential School
  • [26:09] Ethel Lynn(sister Pierre) killed Elaine Dick in 1966 Steven H., St. Paul's Catholic Day School, North Vancouver
  • [31:32] Small Pox (10 days then dead) Chief Harvey Alphonse, Cowichan Band Council, Vancouver Island
  • [32:17] Voice of Steve Sampson, Hereditary Chief, S'Hursletsten Nation, Vancouver Island Small Pox
  • [34:44] Tuberculose against native peoples
  • [35:25] Tuberculose against native peoples Delmar Johnny, Kuper Island Residential School
  • [36:41] Tuberculose against native peoples The story of a national crime, Dr. Peter Bryce
    I believe the conditions are being deliberately created in or residential schools to spread infectious diseases. The mortality rate in the schools often exceeds 50% percent. This is a national crime.
  • [39:58] every residential school in canada, Tuberculose against native peoples
  • [40:00] Legal guardian of the kids to the pricipal of the Residential schools
  • [47:07] Dr.Jennifer Wade, co-founder Amnesty International Vancouver
  • [57:20] physical and sexual abuse, stirilised, murderd, medical experiments, exposed to TB(tuberculose)
  • [57:28] R.W. Large Hospital, Bella Bella, British Columbia (United Church)
  • [58:00] Ard Anderson, personal officer, suspicious character
  • [1:06:30] Sterilisation, The government is still trying to wipe us out, names withheld by request, May 18, 2005
  • [1:11:30] Pedofile rings operated until today with the help of native politicians, church lawyers
  • [1:13:40] ethnic cleasing, mass murder
  • [1:29:07] 125.000 died in schools, maybe millions to all native people
  • [1:31:46] killed childrens, Constable George Brown(Royal Canadian Mounted Police) killed baby's, nun got pregnant by abused native kid
  • [1:32:29] killed childrens, Chris Livingstone, Aboriginal Harm Reduction Society, Vancouver
  • [1:43:22] chruch was hijaked by wealthy institutions and the rich and it been their servant for centuries, when really it belongs in the hands of the poor