About Kristine Marcy

Video with the theme Kristine Marcy

talking at video-position[3:14], video on the youtube channel of Jason Goodman (crowdsourcethetruth) my sister Kristine Marcy, who was born on july 29. of 1947, has signaled to me, her only sibling Field MCConnell age 68, that she has surrendered, that the united states senior executive service has been defeated and I have received 3256 pleas of SES members who were hoot winked into serving satan and the satan has been defeated, my sister has been defeated, my sister has rolled over and Jason Goodman I will send to you the email wherein my sister rolled over and if anyone out there is offended by my behaviour or my words, I appologise but Jesus Christ himself ask me at 4 of decembder of 2006 to expose Abel and Jesus Christ himself never told me how to do it. I was given cardbladge? I was given permission, I was given the of exposing evil and as a ...? of the united states of america... my sister and Hillary ran the biggest pedophilia network in the world and I exposed that on the 21. of august of 2014. But my sister Kristine Marcy, bless her evil heart, I am not I cant forgive her Jason. Jesus Christ can forgive my sister, I cant but, I think she wants forgiveness[4:55] and she has signaled defeat. She knows she is defeated...I played a very interesting role in the exposure of evil and now the exposure of evil is complete...


link to previously mentioned email ----- Forwarded Message -----
To: Field McConnell
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018, 3:27:34 PM GMT
Subject: Tax Time - 2018

I plan to ask USAA to distribute $1,134 from trust accounts (equally) to cover tax preparation fee and
federal and state taxes.

In the meantime, have you heard from Eileen Carpenter? She has gone radio silent and know she had
health issues. She also was very intent on sending me a few things from Grandma Odum so they
could "stay in the family." I had the feeling that she was preparing for her own demise.
