The Somatid Cycle

Medical Book

Source: Book: The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens by Christopher Bird An Ultra-microsopic Subcellular Living and Reproducing Entity which can prediagnose degenerative diseases by up to eighteen months

Medical text

Source: Ultra Microscopes and Cure Rays
focuses on the work of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. But, it also includes the work of four other men, and discusses other necessary and complementary Cure Methods that are required for a truly holistic therapy program.

Medical text

Source: Gaston Naessens and Somatid biology
THE SOMATID, an ultramicrosopic subcellular living and reproducing entity, which many scientists believe is the precursor of DNA and which may be the building block of all terrestrial life.
Like Bechamp and Rife before him, Gaston states unequivocally that germs are not the cause, but the result, of disease.