44th president of USA


Source: wikipedia.org Barack Hussein Obama (* 4. August 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii)

Source: Obama(is it his birthname?) talks, recorded on video, video shown at brighteon.com Its true I am not american. I was not born in Hawaii. I wasnt born in the United States of America. I got from Kenya


Source: Obama(is it his birthname?) talks, recorded on video, video shown at brighteon.com ...ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs... ordinary men and women: it implies there are other men and women which have property non-ordinary
are too small minded: applies a property to ordinary people and implies non-ordinary are not small minded
dividing human category into two categories
cant govern their own affairs: implies non-ordinary can govern their own affairs
implies: ordinary people cant decide for themself etc.
implies: violence, authority, control, power, force, discrimination against a human being
in other words: First human category devided then properties applied to each then justified one should rule over one other
Categories: above ordinary people is human above human is lifeform above lifeform is all
humans are free beings versus humans are either rulers or slaves
Creating an idea of a category from which to reason from. In this case first part is against humans are equal and second part is against humans are free.
Its a (artificial) mind-construct and promotes suffering. Do You see it ?