Ancient Structures

What tools can create these structures ?

Inca Empire

Source: wiki/Inca_Empire, by Gordon McEwan, The Incas: New Perspectives The Incas lacked the use of wheeled vehicles. They lacked animals to ride and draft animals that could pull wagons and plows... [They] lacked the knowledge of iron and steel... they lacked a system of writing...

Source: Franz Löhner shows, that granite can't be processed without iron tools!

could be true, could not be true


Source: wiki/Inka Werkzeuge und Waffen wurden aus Kupfer und Bronze hergestellt. Eisen war unbekannt.

could be true, could not be true


Source: wiki/Bronze Mit dem Sammelbegriff Bronzen werden Legierungen mit mindestens 60 % Kupfer bezeichnet, soweit sie nicht durch den Hauptlegierungszusatz Zink den Messingen zuzuordnen sind.

Source: wiki/Kupfer Kupfer = 3.0 Mohs Härte

Source: wiki/Zinn Zinn = 1.5 Mohs Härte

could be true, could not be true


said by Brien Foerster at video-position 0:16 - 0.38 and 1:26 - 1:31 and 2:46 - 2:53. Basalt

said by Brien Foerster at video-position 1:07 - 1.12 and 2:37 - 2:44. Granite

could be true, could not be true


Source: Granite is a 6 to 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. The Mohs hardness scale was developed by the German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs to determine the hardness of a mineral based on whether it can be scratched by a substance of known hardness.

The 10 standard minerals of the Mohs hardness scale from softest to hardest are

  1. talc(Talk)
  2. gypsum(Gips)
  3. calcite(Calcit)
  4. fluorite(Fluorit)
  5. apatite(Apatit)
  6. orthoclase(Orthoklas)
  7. quartz(Quarz)
  8. topaz(Topas)
  9. corundum(Korund)
  10. diamond(Diamant)

could be true, could not be true

Interessante Aussagen

Source: said by Brien Foerster at video-position 3:22 - 3:31 These walls average three feet(91.44cm) thick and there is no gap from the front all the way to the back.

Source: said by Brien Foerster at video-position 5:13 - 5:20. the Cusco area. And the erosion indicates 1000 upon 1000 of years of age.

Source: said by Brien Foerster at video-position 5:26 - 5:38. well there are stories of tunnels in the Cusco area. Ancient tunnels underground that go supposably for miles upon miles....

could be true, could not be true